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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Colour Magic...

Color Correspondences in Magic

 Black - protection, repelling negativity, binding, shapeshifting, divination, banishing
 Blue - good fortune, opening blocked communications, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration, calm, reassurance, gently moving, element of water, creativity, truth, tranquility, hope, honor, change, psychic ability
 Brown - influence friendships, special favors, stability, integrity, justice, sensuality, endurance, animals, concentration, grounding
 Copper - passion, money goals, professional growth, fertility in business, career maneuvers
 Gold - he God, wealth, promote winning, safety and power of male, happiness, playful humor, vitality, strength, success, action, courage, confidence
 Green - Earth Mother, physical healing, monetary success, abundance, fertility, tree and planet magick, growth, element of earth, personal goals, prosperity, empowerment, luck, jealousy
 Grey - vision, neutrality, absorbs negativity
 Indigo - insight, vision, change, flexibility, psychic abilities
 Magenta - intuition, change, spiritual healing, vitality
 Orange - business goals, property deals, ambition, career goals, general success, justice, legal matters, selling, action, courage, pride, ambition, enthusiasm, energy, friendship, communication, opportunities
 Pink - romantic love, planetary good will, healing of emotions, peace, affection, romance, partnerships of emotional maturity, caring, nurturing, compassion, tenderness, harmony, love, spiritual healing
 Purple - influencing people in high places, third eye, psychic ability, spiritual power, self assurance, hidden knowledge, growth, self-esteem, insight, inspiration, spirituality, success in business, strong healing power
 Red - energy, strength, passion, courage, element of fire, career goals, fast action, lust, blood of the moon, vibrancy, driving force, love, survival, sexual love, will power, anger
 Silver - the Goddess, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry, intuition, dreams, astral energies, female power, communication, spiritual truth, receptivity, psychic ability, stability, balance
 Turquoise - creativity, discipline, self-knowledge, honor, idealism
 Violet - success, intuition, self-improvement, spiritual awareness
 White - the Goddess, spirituality, peace, higher self purity, virginity, cleansing, protection, healing, divination, tranquility, substitute for any other color
 Yellow - the sun, intelligence, accelerated learning, memory, logical imagination, breaking mental blocks, selling yourself, joy, vitality, study, persuasion, charm, creativity, communication

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Colour Magic... Rating: 4.5 Posted By: Cheking
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